
The First International Conference on Criminology and Criminal Justice was conducted during 3 - 4, October, 2024 (HYBRID - IN-PERSON AND ONLINE) at University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Gangodawila, Nugegoda, Colombo, Sri Lanka. The International Conference was organized by the Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka and International Institute of Justice & Police Sciences, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India in collaboration with South Asian Society of Criminology and Victimology (SASCV) and Saveetha School of Law, SIMATS (Deemed to be University, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India.

The major sub themes were
1. Emerging Trends in Crime
2. Technology and Criminal Justice
3. Restorative Justice and Rehabilitation:
4. Intersectionality and Social Justice
5. Globalization and Transnational Crime
6. Crime Prevention
7. Forensic Science and Criminology: Integrating Science and Investigation
8. Criminology and Law: Navigating Interdisciplinary Frontiers
9. Victimology and Victim Justice: Empowering Survivors and Promoting Healing.


Fifth International Conference of the South Asian Society of Criminology and Victimology (SASCV)

The Fifth International Conference of the South Asian Society of  Criminology  and Victimology (SASCV) was conducted during 27 - 28, January, 2023 at RV University, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India (HYBRID - OFFLINE AND ONLINE).

The SASCV 2023 Conference was organized by the South Asian Society of Criminology and Victimology (SASCV) in collaboration with RV University, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India (Private University established in Karnataka State through Act No.34 of 2019 passed by the Karnataka Legislature) and International Institute of Justice and Police Sciences, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India (World’s Ist Institute of Excellence in Justice & Police Sciences, a Not-for-Profit Academic Institute and an Independent Think Tank) established by Lombroso Education and Services (OPC) Pvt Ltd and sponsored by Appa Education and Research Foundation (AERF).

The major sub themes are
1. Cyber Criminology
2. Cyber Law
3. Cyber Security
4. Cyber Forensics
5. Cyber Victimology

International Pre-Conference Workshop on Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Crime, Law and Justice by Prof. Michael M. Losavio, Department of Justice Administration, Commputer Engineering & Science, University of Louisville, Kentucky, USA on 26th January 2023

Lighting of the Lamp - Inaugural Ceremony - 27th January 2023, by the President SASCV Professor K. Jaishankar and Dr AVS Murthy, Chancellor, RV University. Professor YSR Murthy, Vice Chancellor, RV University, looks on.  

Welcome address by Professor K. Jaishankar, General Chair of the Conference /  President SASCV.  

Opening Keynote Speech by Ms. Ashwini K.P., United Nations Special Rapporteur on Contemporary Forms of Racism.

Release of Souvenir of SASCV 2023. L to R - Dr. Bhanu Prakash Nunna, Organizing Secretary, SASCV 2023, Ms. Ashwini K.P., United Nations Special Rapporteur on Contemporary Forms of Racism, Professor YSR Murthy, Vice Chancellor, RV University and Patron SASCV 2023, Dr. AVS Murthy, Chancellor, RV University, and Professor K. Jaishankar, President SASCV and General Chair SASCV 2023.

Prof. K. Jaishankar, Dr. Keerthi Bollineni, Prof. Mangsuli grants the Prof Stanely Yeldell New Researcher Excellence Award to Dr. Sweta Sinha, Assistant Professor, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Patna. 

Prof. K. Jaishankar, Dr. Keerthi Bollineni, Prof. Mangsuli grants the Dipak Haldar Outstanding Young Scholar Award to Mr. Manikandan Soundararajan, PhD Scholar (Criminology) at Staffordshire University, Stoke-on-Trent, United Kingdom. 

Fourth International Conference of the South Asian Society of Criminology and Victimology (SASCV)

The Fourth International Conference of the South Asian Society of Criminology and Victimology (SASCV) was conducted during 30 - 31, January, 2020 at Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India. The peer-reviewed Conference was organized by South Asian Society of Criminology and Victimology (SASCV) in collaboration with the Department of Criminology, Raksha Shakti University, Lavad, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India

The Venue of the Conference was Hotel Pride Plaza, Ahmedabad, Ahmedabad Gujarat, India.

The major sub themes are based on "Institutions, Governance, Justice and its stakeholders" of the following:
1. Legislative and Law-making Processes
2. Policing
3. Judiciary
4. Corrections
5. Victimology

Lighting of the Lamp - Inaugural Ceremony - 30th January 2020, by the Opening Keynote Speaker Professor Bimal N. Patel, Director-General, Raksha Shakti University, Gujarat, India. Mr. Vedprakash Gautam, (Right) Child Protection Specialist, Unicef Gujarat and Prof.K. Jaishankar, General Chair - SASCV 2020 and President SASCV looks on. 

Welcome address by Professor K. Jaishankar, General Chair of the Conference /  President SASCV.  

Opening Keynote Speech by Professor Bimal N. Patel, Director-General, Raksha Shakti University, Gujarat, India.










Prof. K. Jaishankar, Prof. Debarati Halder, Mr. Pavani Soni, Mr. Ruwan Udwarega-Perara with the Award Winners Dr. Surbhi Dayal (Prof Stanely Yeldell New Researchers Excellence Award), and Gaurav Nanda (Dr. Dipak Haldar Outstanding Young Scholar Award). 

Prof. K. Jaishankar, welcoming Prof. S. Santhakumar, Director, Gujarat National Law University (GNLU). GNLU is a Knowledge Partner of SASCV 2020.

UNICEF Panel on Strategies for Elimination of Violence against Children. L-R. Anuja Kapoor, Prof. Debarati Halder, Mr. Vedprakash Gautam, Dr. Saurabh Anand, and Ms. Rukhsana Siddiqua.

Third International Conference of the South Asian Society of Criminology and Victimology (SASCV) 

The Third International Conference of the South Asian Society of Criminology and Victimology (SASCV) was conducted during 28 - 29, January, 2016 at GOA, India. The Conference was organized by the South Asian Society of Criminology and Victimology (SASCV) in collaboration with the Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, India.

The Venue of the Conference was NANUTEL, Margao, GOA.

The major sub themes are
1. Interpersonal and self-directed violence
2. Collective and Targeted Violence
3. Workplace Violence
4. State-Sponsored violence and Abuse of Power
5. Online Violence

Lighting of the Lamp - Inaugural Ceremony - 28th January 2016, by the Opening Keynote Speaker Professor David O. Friedrichs, The University of Scranton, USA.


Prof. Natti Ronel, Prof. P. Madhava Soma Sundaram and Dr. K. Jaishankar (President - SASCV) with the Award Winners Dr. Marina Aksenova, Dr. Syed Umarhathab and Ms. Smriti Sabbarwal. 

Welcome address by Dr. K. Jaishankar, General Chair of the Conference/  President SASCV.  

President of SASCV, Dr. K. Jaishankar represented SASCV as an Invited KEYNOTE SPEAKER at the 15th World Society of Victimology Symposium, July 5-9, 2015, at Perth, Australia, organized by Victim Support Australia, Angelhands Inc. and supported by Australian Institute of Criminology. Dr. Jaishankar spoke on “Cybercrime Victimization: New Wine into Old Wineskins”.

President of SASCV, Dr. K. Jaishankar and Secretary of SASCV, Dr. Debarati Halder were Speakers at The International Conference on Social Media for Good (organized by Kimse Yok Mu (KYM) an international non-governmental organization) 14-16 May 2015 at Istanbul, Turkey. Dr. Debarati Halder and Dr. K. Jaishankar spoke on “Role of Social Media in the Awareness Creation by NGOs' Working on the Prevention of Online Victimization” (Paper selected in a competition; out of 206 submitted papers only 24 was selected for presentation).

President of SASCV, K. Jaishankar represented SASCV as an Invited  Speaker at the the International Cyber Security Summit, December 1-2, 2014, at Doha, Qatar, organized by Tangent Link, UK and supported by Ministry of Defence & Ministry of ICT, Qatar. He Spoke on "Cybercrime issues in the Asia and the Middle East".

President of SASCV, K. Jaishankar represented SASCV as an Invited Plenary Speaker at The Fourth International and Eighth Biennial Conference of Indian Society of Victimology (ISV), organized by the Department of Criminology, University of Madras, Chennai, India, held during 9-11, October 2014.

President of SASCV, K. Jaishankar was appointed as Member of the Scientific Committee of the 6th International conference of the International Juvenile Justice Observatory (IJJO) to be held at Brussels, Belgium, during December 3-4, 2014.


President of SASCV, K. Jaishankar represented SASCV as an Invited Speaker at the International Seminar on Cybercrime “Rethinking Cybercrime”, October 17-18, 2013, at Elche, Spain, organized by CRIMINA, Miguel Hernández University, Elche, Spain. Dr. Jaishankar spoke on “Interpersonal Cyber Crime Victimization in India: Preliminary results of a Survey”.


President of SASCV, K. Jaishankar represented SASCV as a Forum Panelist at the World Crime Forum-1st Asian Regional Conference - Information Society and Cybercrime: Challenges for Criminology and Criminal Justice, June 20, 2013 at Seoul, Republic of Korea, organized by the Korean Institute of Criminology and the International Society for Criminology. Dr. Jaishankar spoke on “Cyber Victimization: Interpersonal Attacks on the Internet”.



Second International Conference of the

South Asian Society of Criminology and Victimology (SASCV) 


The Second International Conference of the South Asian Society of Criminology and Victimology (SASCV) was conducted during 11 - 13, January, 2013 at Kanyakumari Tamil Nadu, India. The Conference was organized by the South Asian Society of Criminology and Victimology (SASCV) and Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, India.

The Venue of the Conference is Hotel Singaar International, Kanyakumari, Tamil Nadu, India
The major sub themes are
1. Interpersonal Crimes against and by Women
2. Interpersonal crimes against Children and Youth
3. Men as Victims: Myths and Realities
4. Culture Conflict and Victimization of Groups
5. Interpersonal Cyber Crimes: Problems of Social Networking


Lighting of the Lamp - Inaugural Ceremony - 11th January 2013, Hotel Singaar International, Kanyakumari


Release of the Conference Proceedings by Professor Marc Groenhuijsen, President, World Society of Victimology & Director, INTERVICT, Tilburg University, The Netherlands. The first copy of the proceedings is received by Professor Vesna Nicolic-Ristanovic, President, European Society of Criminology.



Welcome address by Dr. K. Jaishankar, General Chair of the Conference/  President SASCV.   


  • President of SASCV, K. Jaishankar represented SASCV at the Stockholm Criminology Symposium held during June 11-13, 2012 at Stockholm, Sweden. Dr. Jaishankar was a Discussant in the Opening Discussion: Focusing on victims of crime – Comparing crime patterns and improving practice. Researchers’ advice to policy” (11th June 2012, along with Victor Jammers, Policy Director, Victim Support Netherlands, Beatrice Ask, Swedish Minister for Justice, Paula Teixeria da Cruz, the Portugese Minister for Justice, Professor Jan van Dijk, the Netherlands, Professor Vesna Nicolic-Ristanovic, Serbia, and Professor Sandra Walklate, UK). He also chaired two sessions and presented two papers at the Conference.



  • Secretary of SASCV, Debarati Halder represented SASCV at the Stockholm Criminology Symposium held during June 11-13, 2012 at Stockholm, Sweden. Ms. Halder spoke on "Cyber Crime and Victim turned Offenders: An analysis of Impact of Victimization and Coping mechanisms of Women Victims".


  • President of SASCV, K. Jaishankar represented SASCV as a KEYNOTE SPEAKER at the 14th World Society of Victimology Symposium, organized by WSV, Victim Support Europe INTERVICT, and LINC held during 20 – 24, May 2012, at The Hague, The Netherlands. Dr. Jaishankar spoke on “Implementing Victim Rights in Newly Industrialized Countries (NICs): Reflections on Major Challenges and Recommendations for the Future”.

  • President of SASCV, K. Jaishankar represented SASCV at the International Conference on “Cybercrime: Global Phenomenon and its Challenges”, organized by the International Scientific and Professional Advisory Council of the United Nations Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Programme (ISPAC), in cooperation with United Nations office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) & Korean Institute of Criminology (KIC) during December 2 – 4, 2011 at Courmeyeur, Mont Blanc, Italy. Dr. Jaishankar spoke on "Patterns of Cyber Victimization".

First International Conference of the

South Asian Society of Criminology and Victimology (SASCV)


The First International Conference of the South Asian Society of Criminology and Victimology (SASCV) was conducted during 15 - 17, January, 2011 at Jaipur, Rajasthan, India. The Conference was organized by the South Asian Society of Criminology and Victimology (SASCV) and Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, India.
The Venue of the Conference was Hotel Jaipur Greens, Jaipur, Rajasthan.
The major sub themes are
1. Terrorism and Extremism
2. Cyber Crimes, Laws and Security
3. Crimes of Culture and Culture of Crimes
4. Marginality, Social Exclusion and Victimization
5. Criminal Victimization in South Asia and Victimization of South Asians in other countries.



Lighting of the Lamp - Inaugural Ceremony - 15th January 2011, Hotel Jaipur Greens



Release of the Conference Proceedings by Professor Roy King, Institute of Criminology, University of Cambridge, UK. 




Welcome address by Dr. K. Jaishankar, General Chair of the Conference/  President SASCV.   


  • President of SASCV, K. Jaishankar represented SASCV in the Global Community Policing Conclave, 2010 (A special meeting of the International Police Executive Symposium), during 3 - 4, November 2010, Kochi (Cochin), India, Organised by Government of Kerala, India. Dr. Jaishankar spoke on "Community Policing in Tirunelveli City: An Attitudinal Study of Police, Friends of Police and Public on Friends of Police Movement"

  • SASCV signed a historical mutual recognition agreement with the Australian and New Zealand Society of Criminology (ANZSOC) on 1st June 2010, as a knowledge partner. This Agreement is to enhance the benefits of membership of ANZSOC and SASCV by enabling the members of each Society to register for conferences and events conducted by each Society at reduced members’ rates, so as to encourage members of each Society to attend each other’s conferences and events, and thereby to promote the interests of criminology in each Society’s country of origin.

  • President of SASCV, K. Jaishankar represented SASCV in the International Conference on “Protecting Children from Sexual Offenders in the Information Technology Era” organized by the International Scientific and Professional Advisory Council of the United Nations Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Programme (ISPAC), in cooperation with United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) during December 11 - 13, 2009 at Courmeyeur, Mont Blanc, Italy. Dr. Jaishankar spoke on "Sexting: How do we protect the Victim turned offender?" in the Workshop on Victim Protection.

SASCV Knowledge partnership

National Symposium on Cyber Crimes: Trends and Issues 


The National Symposium on Cyber Crimes: Trends and Issues  was conducted during 10 - 11, March, 2011 at Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, India. The Symposium was organized by Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, India and the South Asian Society of Criminology and Victimology (SASCV) was a KNOWLEDGE PARTNER to the symposium.



Vote of Thanks by Dr. K. Jaishankar, Co-Convener of the National Symposium and   President SASCV.   


Vote of Thanks by Dr. K. Jaishankar, Co-Convener of the National Symposium and President SASCV.